General acoustic consultancy

I can undertake general acoustic consultancy including the following:

  • Schools and colleges: hall, classroom and music practice room acoustics

  • Industrial noise: noise measurement and reduction (shrouding machinery etc.)

  • Offices: Inter-office sound insulation, and open plan office acoustics

Unusual projects

I am interested in working on unusual projects. For example, I have undertaken several projects for a medical sleep laboratory doing clinical trials of sleeping pills. In one of these, working with an installation company and a specialist sound effects recording company, I set up a system to replay closely defined levels of traffic noise at each of 12 beds. The maximum, average and minimum sound levels of the noise had to be within narrow limits at every bed.

In conjunction with specialist electronic systems companies, I have worked on a number of unusual sound reinforcement and broadcast systems, including the Houses of Commons and Lords and the GLA council chamber.

Phone or email for a free initial discussion about your project.
Phone 020 7624 2512 or click to contact us.

Sorry, I do not normally undertake domestic noise consultancy (noise from neighbours), nor do I normally undertake environmental noise surveys, as required for obtaining planning permission for ventilation or other plant, except as part of other design work.